
All American Title Company

Resources For Title

All American Title Company Gives Back

In this day and age, it is hard to come across a company that doesn’t give back to its community in some way. But back when All American Title was starting, this was something many small businesses didn’t undertake.

Since the beginning…

The All American Title Company was created in May 1999. Since then, there’s always been a drive to donate time and money back to the communities we serve.

In 2018, we decided to make a more concerted effort. We launched the All American Title Gives Back initiative. Each quarter, we focus on one charity or event to raise money, goods or awareness for.

Over the last year and a half, we’ve worked with Habitat for Humanity, The Sandwich Project, the African Library Book Drive, held a coat drive and a prom dress drive.

#AATGivesBack 2019

As we’ve moved into our second year of AAT Gives Back, we’ve decided to tackle some new challenges.

On Saturday, July 13 five of our team members are taking on the Tough Mudder Twin Cities. This race, either 3.1 or 8 miles, includes upwards of 13 obstacles that range from slugging through hip-deep mud to free-climbing a wall.

It’s just a bit more physically demanding than donating a prom dress or making a sandwich.

The decision to tackle these obstacles came from an annual bet between two team members. Each year, our President, Kevin Webb, and our Senior Underwriting Counsel, Liam Shay, place a bet on the Minnesota Vikings – how many victories will the team claim?

This year, unfortunately, the Vikings were not triumphant and Shay lost the bet. The punishment: to run the Tough Mudder.

Knowing community and family is an integral part of the AAT message; our team couldn’t let Shay run it alone. So, we took the opportunity to pull together and raise money for a good cause while doing it! The cause we chose was the Breast Cancer Research Foundation.

While breast cancer affects both men and women, it affects women at a much greater rate (less than one percent of all breast cancer cases develop in males). At AAT, 86 percent of our employees are women.  The BRC is the highest ranked breast cancer charity in the world due to the percent they give to research – when you donate $1 $0.91 goes directly to research.

Pairing a fundraising event with a team bonding experience felt like a no-brainer for an AAT Gives Back initiative. It combines our values of charity, family and fun.

If you’d like to help this quarter, you can donate here.